expired on Aug 15, 2024
- GUI:
- Refactor handling of coordinate labels, units, and conversions.
- Simplify GUI views and frames, rm ItemCombo.
- Store instrument models one by one, rm InstrumentLibrary.
- rm circular include in JobsSet, merge class JObDataQueue.
- Unify names of classes and variables.
- Core:
- Exact computation for small mesocrystals
- Deployment:
- Python through wheels only
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- 3D view area is black after fresh switching to Sample tab (windows)
- GUI built on arm mac
- Document using distributions for instrumental angles, wavelength
- Document minimizer properties and settings
- offspec example: restore wide intensity scale
- Write v21-to-v22 project file upgrade script
- Allow adjusting zoom and position of 3D view
- Backward compatibility of GUI projects >v22
- Cryptic error messages when initial angle >= final angle in instrument
- Port "logdiff" objective function from r21 to main
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
- BornAgain GUI shows a blank window upon start
- Testsuite failures on several architectures
- Cleanup Python scripts: no more show_or_export, no more parsing command-line arguments
- Problem with installation on MacOS M1
- GUI data loading: file content is shown in the foreground (windows)
- Update truncation & spheroid ff pages
- provide software version in bug report
Completed Issues (closed)
- hugo: review entire documentation - some images are lost
- Error in realtime job when wavelength is big
- Fitting in GUI starts twice
- BornAgain embedded Fabio test fails under some Python versions
- Make projections distinguishable from line masks
- Support Numpy 2.0
- laod project => cannot simulate
- GUI simulation
- GUI sample composition
- GUI/v22 some toolbar/mask actions broken
- GUI/v22 Implement adapting scan model to scan data
- GUI/v22 Restore "Real-time" and "Fit" actions
- Restore ability to export data plots to various image and data formats
- Ongoing mask refactoring
- GUI > Material Editor > Add material SLD is broken (no input fields)
- GUI overwrites detector span and width
- scattering 2d data are upside down in GUI
- Galaxi data example no longer read correctly
- mask GUI needs much testing
- GUI crashes on adding a new sample from library
- Restore backward compatibility of GUI projects
- Difficult to edit parameters in sample builder
- Reflectometry data files from 20.0 and 20.2 are not recognized while opening in upcoming v22
- In versions 20, 20.2 and 21 for Python 3.8-3.10 sample cannot be imported to GUI under Windows.
- r22: restore coordinate transforms for rectangular detectors
- review how instrument model adapts to imported data axes
- Project with failed job cannot be opened
- example fit/scatter2d/expfit_galaxi segfaults
- Crash on opening project with 1D and 2D data
- Crash on creating a new mesocrystal
- JobSelector:Run crash when there is no job
- Memory corruption upon reloading project
- segfault when switching between 1D and 2D data views
- GUI check region-of-interest
- Crash after removing last job or datafile
- Crash on changing mesocrystal particle type
- Mask bugs in GUI
- Loaded 1D data are not displayed if Specular instrument is created after loading data in v21
- Messages field is empty when job fails
- Review application of constant background in specular instrument
- Inconsistent coordinate treatment in specular data
- Axes of real data are not updated when detector range in real time instrument is changing
- Set proper limits for realtime widget spinboxes
- Job selection with Shift key
- "Lock Z" issues
- Fit progress is not shown
- Review using ProjectDocument::setModified
- Interpolation setting is not applied to diff plot on opening project with job
- hugo: update explanation of plot configuration
- Instruments saved as XML cannot be loaded
- Averaging materials does not work for big particles
- some Python scripts no longer display plots
- save and load project -> BUG: Assertion m_camera failed in /G/sw/ba/Img3D/View/Canvas.cpp, line 88.
- Checkboxes and spinboxes in side panel are not updated in jobs
- GUI broken: after simulation, no result is shown
- Message box upon fatal error broken once again.
- In lists, Qt's native selection (light blue) still conflicts with our hard-coded selection (cyan)
- In 2D canvas, zoom is broken.
- QPainter warnings
- CI for Windows broken (cpack trapped in endless loop?)
- During processing, the masks are possibly shifted by 0.5 pix to a higher value.
- Issues with GUI mask editor
- Strange behavior of DoubleSpinboxes on scrolling
- Diff item is not updated to proper range in a new job
- The properties panel in `Heat map` mode moved to the right side
- Impossible to edit fitting parameters
- Name of current data set not shown in GUI > Data > left panel > 1D or 2D data list
- Strange behavior of 2D plot layout in 'Projections' and 'Mask Editor' modes
- pixelized mask is located slightly below and right of original geometric shape
- 'Grazing angles' form takes up all the space in scanning instruments
- Mask properties panel is broken
- Misbehavior of Sample editor on adding Core-Shell composition
- Axis range is not picked from data when linking to the instrument
- Sample editor bugs
- GUI RealTime activity: misplaced spinbox in parameter tuning line
- Negative wavelength in GUI
- convolution x and y parameters swapped
- Examples/scatter2d/LargeParticlesFormFactor.py plot broken
- expanding units string in GUI sample designer
- Masks are ignored in GUI
- Loaded data axes have improper labels and ticks
- Loaded data are not fully scaled in Job View
- Specular instrument cannot be linked to data
- Simulation error if SLD is too high
- Add "OffspecLambda" and "OffspecResolved" to tests
- CosineRippleBox formfactor volume
- correct tick labels for real-data display without associated instrument
- cleanup plot-projection and save-file
- GUI/v22 review stacked frames, resolve multiple connections
- GUI: restore support for lambda scans
- Enable (fix?) distributions in offspecular/depthprobe instruments
- Add footprint to parameter tree
- Background is missing in Offspecular instrument
- GUI scatter2d: support axis with angle or q coordinates
- Support alpha and lambda distributions in Offspec and Depthprobe
- Improve sample and materials handling in GUI
- Revise fit examples
- Path to 'Examples' folder in distributed package is too non-obvious
- Include test data to the distributed example pack
- Distribute examples within wheel package
- CMake: require pip only in developer-mode
- "Grazing angle" vs "Inclination angle"
- replace remaining instances of ScientificSpinBox and QDoubleSpinBox by DoubleSpinBox
- simplify coupling between data and instruments
- Simplify list views: prefer currentIndex over selection
- Simplify datafiles panel; unify datafiles/instruments/samples lists
- coords/units refactoring follow-up
- GrazingScanItem must not inherit from BeamDistributionItem
- improve in-code documentation of mask machinery
- Doc: update to new Detector2D API
- Revise SphericalDetector and OffspecDetector constructors
- change Detector2D API, replace parameters min,max by width,center
- Py plotting: rm last used of parse_commandline and plotsargs from public version of scripts
- Error message from PyInterpreter not helpful when import from script failed
- Example OpaqueProfile1
- Offspecular instrument: do we need azimuthal angle?
- Axes properties (name, unit) are ignored in Fit module
- Img3D: restart deterministic random number generator when redrawing
- Option name "Correct scattering-length density for particles" looks ambiguous
- Change some spinbox settings
- In GUI > Simulation > Settings > Model evaluation, spell out "RT"
- In tables with auto-generated item names, don't change numbers when items are added or removed
- 2D data loader should refuse to load data that are clearly 1D
- Refine steps in DoubleSpinBox for finite ranges
- Value of intensity in GUI > SpecularScan has no effect upon simulated data
- Improve Sample editor
- GUI: don't print the same error message n times when running simulation in n threads
- Add options for sorting 1D data and skipping duplicates in Legacy1dDialog
- Allow copying jobs
- Disable specular peak by default, it is of intense comparing to the rest of the simulation
- Restore functionality in 2D data toolbar
- GUI saves image in file with extension .dat.gz.int
- rm "Edit structure" button
- rm remnants of undo/redo engine