expired on Oct 31, 2024
Things we would like to have off the table asap, but which must not block release 22.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- restore ability to export projections as tabular data
- example RoughAndSpecular: negative and OS-dependent intensities
- Img3D wrong representation of radial paracrystal
- pixelized rotated ellipse mask does not match shape displayed in GUI
- reimplement plot-int using ba_plot
- repair or remove expfit-galaxi
- Polarized propagation will fail for B field in -z direction
- Windows build instructions: recommend Vcpkg instead of our own WinBuild
- Bring wheel-building script under CMake or CPack control
- CI upgrade mac_x64 to clang >= 14.0.3 so that <ranges> can be used
- CMake unused variables?
- provide detector positioning example; repair AxesInDifferentUnits
- replace GUI stylesheet by QStyle
- clarify GUI/View/Setup/ActionFactory.h vs GUI/View/Base/ActionFactory.h
- www.bornagainproject.org/latest refers to git-main, not the latest release
- Catch error inside SimulationWrapper::m_executePySimulation to get informative error message instead of failed assertion
- GUI layout: subwidget sizes
- GUI 2d sim result: plot empty if nphi or nalpha is 1
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- "ninja install" broken under Linux
- rectangle/ellipse edge/corner handles work only if mouse pointer is strictly inside the figure
- Huge numeric discrepancy introduced by Apple's Rapid Security Response macOS 13.3.1 (a)
- GUI, Real time job: add support for scan parameters
- Huge numeric discrepancies on mac_arm and other architectures
- can we use Qt-style instead of native file dialog under Windows?
- Save-plot dialog does not remember chosen directory
- resolve cyclic dependencies in MainWindow collaboration diagram
- masks don't transform upon zoom or resize
- GUI: provide context menu for 2d plot and projections