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Improve the safety and uniformity of the HDF5 importers

Ammar Nejati requested to merge improveHDF5Import into develop

HDF5MetaDataReader, HDF5DataReader and ExperimentImporter shared almost the same structure and contents (only the HDF5-Group keys were different). Therefore, templates HDF5MetaDataReader and HDF5DataReader is made to unify them, and remove code duplication. Currently, the templates distinguish between a LegacyReader and a ExperimentReader; the LegacyReader may be deprecated later to increase uniformity.

Redundant module ExperimentMetaReader and ExperimentDataReader are removed.

Previously, Blosc-filter resources were not released after initialization; hence, HDF5BloscFilter module is added to use Blosc filter in a safe and uniform manner.

Resolves issues #275 (closed), #277 (closed)

Edited by Ammar Nejati

Merge request reports