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Produce a self-contained self-extracting package for BornAgain GUI on Linux

Ammar Nejati requested to merge selfContainedLinuxPack into main

A self-contained package is produced for BornAgain GUI on Linux, and kept as a GitLab artifact.

The package includes all the libraries required for BornAgain, its Python wheel, and additional libraries and plugins for the GUI (see devtools/deploy/linux/

The package is relocatable and self-extracting and does not need root permissions. The BornAgain build log is also added to the package for further info and debugging.

The package can be installed as the following (here, installation root path is chosen to be /tmp/ba):

$ chmod +x  # permit execution
$ ba_path='/tmp/ba'
$ mkdir $ba_path  # make a deliberate installation path
$ ./ --exclude-subdir --skip-license --prefix=$ba_path

and then, the GUI can be executed:

$ cd $ba_path
$ ./bin/bornagain

The self-extracting installer provides also a small help for its options; use the following to see a detailed description of the available options:

$ --help

Related to milestone %0 Stable for installation and use

Edited by Ammar Nejati

Merge request reports