BornAgain GUI application for macOS is provided as 64-bit `.dmg` installer.
#### Prequisite: Python
BornAgain Python package is available in PyPI repository and can be installed with `pip`. This package is required for running scripts or importing them into the GUI application.
As a prerequisite, Python must be installed.
To install and run BornAgain for the first time proceed with the following steps:
Note that pre-installed Python on MacOS may be outdated.
Check the installed version with `python3 --version`.
Which versions are compatible with BornAgain
can be inferred from the available installers at
* {{% url-releases %}}/mac_arm or
* {{% url-releases %}}/mac_x64.
-[Install Python](#install-python)
The official Python installers can be downloaded from
If Python is already installed and set up, this block can be skipped.
While Python comes pre-installed on macOS, it is always quite outdated and not recommended to use together with BornAgain libraries.
The installer for appropriate version of Python can be downloaded from
Choose Python version according to the compatibility table:
BornAgain version | Supported Python versions
20.0 | 3.8 to 3.10
Run the installer and follow the steps.
Ensure that `pip` package manager is checked for installation. Command
$ python3 -m ensurepip
will install `pip` if it is missing.
##### Alternative way
For Homebrew users:
$ brew install python3
$ brew install python3
### Install BornAgain Python package
In the following, we assume that `python` is an alias for `python3`.
#### Install BornAgain as Python-only package
For using BornAgain as GUI application only, this block can be skipped.
BornAgain Python package in available in the public repository and can be installed with `pip`:
If the BornAgain GUI is not required as only Python scripting mode is to be used,
then BornAgain can be installed as a Python package from the `pip` repository:
$ python3 -m pip install bornagain
$ python -m pip install bornagain
### Install BornAgain GUI application
#### Install BornAgain GUI application
For using BornAgain in scripts only, this block can be skipped.
The BornAgain installer can be downloaded from {{% url-releases %}}.
A Linux installer for BornAgain (Python and GUI)
Its type must match the processor architecture, e.g.
can be downloaded from
`{{% recommended-macinstaller-amd64 %}}` or
* {{% url-releases %}}/mac_arm or
`{{% recommended-macinstaller-arm %}}`.
* {{% url-releases %}}/mac_x64.
Choose the installer that fits your version of Python.
After downloading the installer, double click `.dmg` file to mount it, accept the license agreement and then drag the BornAgain icon onto the Applications shortcut icon.
After downloading the installer, double click `.dmg` file to mount it, accept the license agreement and then drag the BornAgain icon onto the Applications shortcut icon.