The following instructions have been tested under Windows 10 Pro.
The following instructions have been tested under Windows 10 Pro.
Last full test from our side was for release 1.19.
### Prerequisites
@@ -20,14 +22,15 @@ Download Qt from from the official website [](
> Make sure to choose the open source version of Qt and download the online installer.
Select Qt 5.15.2 (LTS) and open the sub tree.
Only 'MSVC 2019 64-bit' component is needed.
Select the latest Qt version with long-time support (LTS) and open the sub tree.
Only the 'MSVC 2019 64-bit' component is needed.
Make a symbolic link to the directory corresponding to the current Qt version; e.g., if Qt 5.15.2 is installed in `C:\Qt\5.15.2`, then in Windows `cmd` (with administrative rights) execute:
Make a symbolic link to the directory corresponding to the current Qt version:
if Qt 6.y.z installed in `C:\Qt\6.y.z`, then in Windows `cmd` (with administrative rights) execute: