Wuttke, Joachim authoredWuttke, Joachim authored
DiffUtil.cpp 4.14 KiB
// ************************************************************************************************
// BornAgain: simulate and fit reflection and scattering
//! @file Device/Histo/DiffUtil.cpp
//! @brief Implements namespace DataUtils.
//! @homepage http://www.bornagainproject.org
//! @license GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2018
//! @authors Scientific Computing Group at MLZ (see CITATION, AUTHORS)
// ************************************************************************************************
#include "Device/Histo/DiffUtil.h"
#include "Base/Axis/Bin.h"
#include "Base/Axis/FixedBinAxis.h"
#include "Base/Axis/Frame.h"
#include "Base/Axis/IAxis.h"
#include "Base/Math/Numeric.h"
#include "Base/Util/Assert.h"
#include "Device/Data/Datafield.h"
#include "Device/Histo/SimulationResult.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
//! Returns relative difference between two data sets sum(dat[i] - ref[i])/ref[i]).
double DiffUtil::meanRelVecDiff(const std::vector<double>& dat, const std::vector<double>& ref)
ASSERT(dat.size() == ref.size());
double diff = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dat.size(); ++i)
diff += Numeric::relativeDifference(dat[i], ref[i]);
diff /= dat.size();
return diff;
Datafield* DiffUtil::relativeDifferenceField(const Datafield& dat, const Datafield& ref)
std::vector<double> out(dat.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < dat.size(); ++i)
out[i] = Numeric::relativeDifference(dat.valAt(i), ref.valAt(i));
return new Datafield(dat.frame().cloned_axes(), out);
//! Returns sum of relative differences between each pair of elements:
//! (a, b) -> 2*abs(a - b)/(|a| + |b|) ( and zero if a=b=0 within epsilon )
double DiffUtil::meanRelativeDifference(const SimulationResult& dat, const SimulationResult& ref)
if (dat.size() != ref.size())
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid call to meanRelativeDifference: "
"different number of elements in dat and ref datasets");
if (dat.empty())
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid call to meanRelativeDifference: "
"empty dat and ref datasets");
double sum_of_diff = 0.;
double sum_of_fdat = 0.;
double sum_of_fref = 0.;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dat.size(); ++i) {
sum_of_diff += Numeric::relativeDifference(dat[i], ref[i]);
sum_of_fdat += fabs(dat[i]);
sum_of_fref += fabs(ref[i]);
if (sum_of_fdat == 0 && sum_of_fref)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid call to meanRelativeDifference: "
"dat and ref only contain zeroes");
if (sum_of_fdat == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid call to meanRelativeDifference: "
"dat only contains zeroes");
if (sum_of_fref == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid call to meanRelativeDifference: "
"ref only contains zeroes");
return sum_of_diff / dat.size();
//! Returns true is relative difference is below threshold; prints informative output
bool DiffUtil::checkRelativeDifference(const std::vector<double>& dat,
const std::vector<double>& ref, const double threshold)
if (*std::min_element(dat.begin(), dat.end()) == 0
&& *std::max_element(dat.begin(), dat.end()) == 0) {
std::cerr << "FAILED: simulated data set is empty" << std::endl;
return false;
try {
const double diff = DiffUtil::meanRelVecDiff(dat, ref);
if (diff > threshold) {
std::cerr << "FAILED: relative deviation of dat from ref is " << diff
<< ", above given threshold " << threshold << std::endl;
return false;
if (diff)
std::cerr << "- OK: relative deviation of dat from ref is " << diff
<< ", within given threshold " << threshold << std::endl;
std::cout << "- OK: dat = ref\n";
return true;
} catch (...) {
return false;