Wuttke, Joachim authoredWuttke, Joachim authored
PolarizedSANS.py 1.92 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Simple example demonstrating how polarized SANS experiments can be
simulated with BornAgain.
import bornagain as ba
from bornagain import ba_plot as bp, deg, nm, R3
def get_sample():
A sample with a magnetic core-shell particle in a solvent.
# Materials
B = R3(0, 1e7, 0)
material_Core = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Core", 6e-06, 2e-08, B)
material_Shell = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Shell", 1e-07, 2e-08)
material_Solvent = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Solvent", 5e-06, 0)
# Form factors
ff_1 = ba.Sphere(10*nm)
ff_2 = ba.Sphere(12*nm)
# Particles
particle_1 = ba.Particle(material_Core, ff_1)
particle_1_position = R3(0, 0, 2*nm)
particle_2 = ba.Particle(material_Shell, ff_2)
# Core shell particles
particle = ba.CoreAndShell(particle_1, particle_2)
# Particle layouts
layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
# Layers
layer = ba.Layer(material_Solvent)
# Sample
sample = ba.MultiLayer()
return sample
def get_simulation(sample):
A polarized SANS simulation
n = 200
# Beam from above (perpendicular to sample):
beam = ba.Beam(1e9, 0.4*nm, 9*deg)
# Detector opposite to source:
detPos = 2000 # distance from sample center to detector in mm
detWid = 500 # detector width in mm
detector = ba.RectangularDetector(n, detWid, n, detWid)
detector.setPerpendicularToDirectBeam(detPos, detWid/2, detWid/2)
beam.setPolarization(R3(0, 1, 0))
detector.setAnalyzer(R3(0, -1, 0))
return ba.ScatteringSimulation(beam, sample, detector)
if __name__ == '__main__':
sample = get_sample()
simulation = get_simulation(sample)
result = simulation.simulate()