Wuttke, Joachim authoredWuttke, Joachim authored
ScientificPlot.h 2.20 KiB
// ************************************************************************************************
// BornAgain: simulate and fit reflection and scattering
//! @file GUI/View/Plotter/ScientificPlot.h
//! @brief Declares class ScientificPlot.
//! @homepage http://www.bornagainproject.org
//! @license GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2018
//! @authors Scientific Computing Group at MLZ (see CITATION, AUTHORS)
// ************************************************************************************************
#include <QWidget>
class PlotEventHelper;
class QCustomPlot;
class UpdateTimer;
//! Common interface for plot-descriptor interaction
class ScientificPlot : public QWidget {
enum class PLOT_TYPE { Plot1D, Plot2D };
explicit ScientificPlot(PLOT_TYPE plot_type);
~ScientificPlot() override;
QCustomPlot* customPlot() { return m_qcp; }
const QCustomPlot* customPlot() const { return m_qcp; }
PlotEventHelper* eventHelper() { return m_event_helper; }
//! Tracks move events (used when showing profile histograms and printing status string)
void setMouseTrackingEnabled(bool enable);
//! Returns true if axes rectangle contains given in axes coordinates.
bool axesRangeContains(double xpos, double ypos) const;
//! Returns the type of current plot
PLOT_TYPE plotType() const { return m_plot_type; }
QRectF viewportRectangle() const;
virtual QString infoString(const QPointF& pos) const = 0;
qreal toSceneX(qreal v) const;
qreal toSceneY(qreal v) const;
qreal fromSceneX(qreal p) const;
qreal fromSceneY(qreal p) const;
void repaint_request();
void statusString(const QString& text);
void setUpdateTimerConnected(bool isConnected);
void replot();
QCustomPlot* m_qcp;
bool event(QEvent* event) override;
void onTimeToReplot();
UpdateTimer* m_update_timer;
PLOT_TYPE m_plot_type;
PlotEventHelper* m_event_helper;