// ************************************************************************************************
// BornAgain: simulate and fit reflection and scattering
//! @file GUI/View/SampleDesigner/SampleEditorController.h
//! @brief Defines class SampleEditorController
//! @homepage
//! @license GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2021
//! @authors Scientific Computing Group at MLZ (see CITATION, AUTHORS)
// ************************************************************************************************
#include "GUI/Model/Sample/FormFactorItemCatalog.h"
#include "GUI/Model/Sample/ItemWithParticlesCatalog.h"
#include <QUndoStack>
class ISelectionContainerForm;
class ISelectionProperty;
class CoreAndShellForm;
class DoubleProperty;
class Item3D;
class ItemWithMaterial;
class ItemWithParticles;
class LatticeTypeSelectionForm;
class LayerForm;
class LayerItem;
class MesocrystalForm;
class ParticleLayoutItem;
class SelectionContainerForm;
//! Class to modify a sample from the layer oriented sample editor.
//! Use this class to modify the sample model. It takes care of notifications and creating undo/redo
//! commands.
class SampleEditorController : public QObject {
SampleEditorController(ProjectDocument* document, SampleItem* multi);
//! Set the current form.
//! The form can change e.g. when a different sample gets the current one
//! in the layer editor. Also nullptr is allowed.
//! The current form.
//! The item on which this controller operates.
//! The contained undo stack.
QUndoStack* undoStack();
//! The materials of the current document
//! The current document
ProjectDocument* projectDocument() const;
void addLayerItem(LayerItem* before);
QColor findColor(int atIndex);
void onLayerAdded(LayerItem* layer);
void addLayerItemFromUndo(int atIndex);
void duplicateLayerItem(const LayerItem* layerItem);
void removeLayerItem(LayerItem* layerItem);
void removeLayerItemFromUndo(int atIndex);
void addLayoutItem(LayerForm* layerForm);
void duplicateLayoutItem(LayerForm* layerForm);
void removeLayoutItem(LayerForm* layerItem, ParticleLayoutItem* layout);
void addParticleLayoutItem(ParticleLayoutItem* layout, ItemWithParticlesCatalog::Type type);
void addParticleLayoutItem(ParticleLayoutItem* layout, FormFactorItemCatalog::Type t);
void addCompoundItem(CompoundItem* composition, ItemWithParticlesCatalog::Type type);
void addCompoundItem(CompoundItem* composition, FormFactorItemCatalog::Type type);
void setCoreFormFactor(CoreAndShellForm* widget, FormFactorItemCatalog::Type type);
void setShellFormFactor(CoreAndShellForm* widget, FormFactorItemCatalog::Type type);
void removeParticle(ItemWithParticles* item);
void setMesocrystalBasis(MesocrystalForm* widget, ItemWithParticlesCatalog::Type type);
void setMesocrystalBasis(MesocrystalForm* widget, FormFactorItemCatalog::Type type);
void selectInterference(InterferenceForm* widget, int newIndex);
void setIntegrateOverXi(LatticeTypeSelectionForm* widget, bool newValue);
void setDouble(double newValue, DoubleProperty& d);
void setDoubleFromUndo(double newValue, const QString& path);
void setCurrentIndex(ISelectionContainerForm* widget, int index, ISelectionProperty& d);
void selectMaterial(ItemWithMaterial* item, const QString& newMaterialIdentifier);
void setMaterialValue(ItemWithMaterial* item, double newValue, DoubleProperty& d);
//! Set an interference function's value which affects the total particle density of the
//! containing particle layout.
//! Some values in interference settings affect the total density in the particle layout which
//! contains this interference function. Call this method to provide all the related updating
//! (data & UI).
void setDensityRelatedValue(InterferenceItem* interferenceItem, double newValue,
DoubleProperty& d);
void onStartingToMoveLayer();
void onStoppedToMoveLayer(QWidget* widgetToMove, QWidget* moveAboveThisWidget);
void setSampleName(const QString& name);
void setSampleDescription(const QString& description);
Matthias Puchner
void requestViewInRealspace(Item3D* item);
void aboutToRemoveItem(Item3D* item);
Matthias Puchner
Matthias Puchner
ItemWithParticles* createAndInitItem(FormFactorItemCatalog::Type formFactorType) const;
ItemWithParticles* createAndInitItem(ItemWithParticlesCatalog::Type itemType) const;
Matthias Puchner
QUndoStack m_undoStack;