// ************************************************************************************************
// BornAgain: simulate and fit reflection and scattering
//! @file GUI/View/Sample/HeinzFormLayout.h
//! @homepage
//! @license GNU General Public License v3 or higher (see COPYING)
//! @copyright Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH 2021
//! @authors Scientific Computing Group at MLZ (see CITATION, AUTHORS)
// ************************************************************************************************

Wuttke, Joachim
#include "GUI/View/Sample/PolyForm.h"
#include <QFormLayout>
class SampleEditorController;
class VectorProperty;
//! Extends QFormLayout, for use in SampleDesigner.
//! Helps to add edit controls which operate on Properties (DoubleProperty, VectorProperty,

Wuttke, Joachim
//! PolyItem). Also takes care of bold printed labels, the connection of labels and edit
//! controls (buddies), which is necessary to realize the "label shows unit of value" feature.
//! Establishes connections to the SampleEditorController.
class HeinzFormLayout : public QFormLayout {
//! Create a layouter which operates on the given parent widget.
//! If the parent has no layout yet, a QFormLayout is installed. If the parentWidget already has
//! a QFormLayout, this will be used for the calls later on.
//! The given SampleEditorController is used to create connections e.g. when a DSpinBox
//! Insert a row with a bold printed label.
//! If necessary, a colon (':') is added to the label.
void insertRow(int row, QString label, QWidget* w);
void addBoldRow(const QString& label, QWidget* w);

Wuttke, Joachim
//! The whole selection is realized by adding a PolyForm. This
//! PolyForm is limited to contain the selection combo box and a list of double
//! values represented by DoubleProperties. To add more complex selections (e.g. with

Wuttke, Joachim
//! sub-selections or different value types), this method and the PolyForm is not

Wuttke, Joachim
//! For more details, see PolyForm.

Wuttke, Joachim
template <typename B, typename C> void addSelection(PolyPtr<B, C>& d)
addBoldRow(d.piLabel(), new PolyForm(QFormLayout::parentWidget(), d, m_ec));
//! Adds a row with a bold printed label and a DSpinBox.
//! The DSpinBox is initialized with the contents found in the DoubleProperty (e.g. limits,
//! decimals, unit). The DSpinBox is set as the "buddy" of the label. This is necessary to
//! realize the "label shows unit of value" feature. Changes of the DSpinBox are signaled
//! to the SampleEditorController which has been overhanded in the constructor of this.
//! It is connected to SampleEditorController::setDouble(). If a different method
//! should be called (e.g. for a special undo functionality), this method is not sufficient. It
//! would have to be done "manually" or with the overload which takes a slot (see below).
//! Returns the newly added row.
void addValue(DoubleProperty& d);
//! Adds a row with a bold printed label and a DSpinBox.
//! Same as above, but the called slot in case of a value change has to be overhanded.
//! Use this only if the standard (calling SampleEditorController::setDouble()) is not
//! sufficient.
void addValue(DoubleProperty& d, std::function<void(double)> onValueChange);
//! Inserts a row with a bold printed label and a DSpinBox.
//! Same functionality as addValue(), please read there.
void insertValue(int row, DoubleProperty& d);
//! Inserts a row with a bold printed label and a DSpinBox.
//! Same functionality as addValue(), please read there.
void insertValue(int row, DoubleProperty& d, std::function<void(double)> onValueChange);
//! Adds a row with a bold printed label and a set of DoubleProperties.
//! The label describes the set of the DoubleProperties and is located in the first column of
//! the layout. The DSpinBoxes for each DoubleProperty are created as children of a newly
//! created widget, which is positioned in the second column of the layout. If the number of
//! values is greater than 1, the related labels are shown above them, to limit the necessary
//! space to the right. For the creation, signaling, unit handling etc. of one DoubleProperty
//! the same applies as when adding a single DoubleProperty with the method addValue(),
//! therefore please read there for more details. Returns the newly added row.
void addGroupOfValues(const QString& labelText, const DoubleProperties& values);
//! Adds a row with a bold printed label and the 3 values of a 3D vector.
//! Works the same as addGroupOfValues. The label is taken from the VectorProperty.
//! In addition, the caller can define whether the labels are above the values
//! (vertically=true), or whether labels and values are all placed in one row
//! (vertically=false).
void addVector(VectorProperty& d, bool vertically = true);
//! Adds a button for structure editing.
//! Creates a widget, places the given button as a child left-aligned into this widget and adds
//! the newly created widget as a row in the layout.
void addStructureEditingRow(QPushButton* button);
//! Find a widget in the given position.
template <typename T> T widgetAt(int row, QFormLayout::ItemRole role)
return qobject_cast<T>(QFormLayout::itemAt(row, role)->widget());
SampleEditorController* m_ec;