title = "Build and install BornAgain"
weight = 30
## Build and install BornAgain
Ammar Nejati
The following instructions must be executed for the software projects
- libheinz,
- libformfactor,
- BornAgain,
Ammar Nejati
in the given order.
Each source package comes with configuration files for the
Ammar Nejati
cross-platform build system [CMake]( Using CMake,
it takes the following commands to build and install the software:
$ cmake [<options>] .. # see note [4]
$ make -j4 # see note [2]
The build process must take place "out of place", i.e. not directly in the source directory.
Otherwise, location and name of the build directory are arbitrary.
We nonetheless recommend to follow our convention,
create a subdirectory under the source directory, and call it `build`.
With GNU Make, the option `-j<n>` indicates the number of processors to be used in parallel.
In our experience, the alternative build software `Ninja` is faster and therefore to be preferred.
To use Ninja,
* install it (e.g. Debian package ninja-build)
* call `cmake` with option `-GNinja`
* replace calls of `make -j<n>` by `ninja`.
The install directory can be specified by suppling the option
`-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir>` to the `cmake` command.
Depending on the choice of the installation directory,
it may or may not be necessary to run the command `make install`
(or `ninja install`) under `sudo`.
Besides the `cmake` options already mentioned, you may need
where `<paths>` is a semicolon-separated list of directories
specifying directories that are searched by CMake for
the libraries and auxiliary programs that are needed for building BornAgain.