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  * Fix z-index on markdown completion (#27237) (#27242 & #27238)
  * Use secure cookie for HTTPS sites (#26999) (#27013)
  * Fix git 2.11 error when checking IsEmpty (#27393) (#27396)
  * Allow get release download files and lfs files with oauth2 token format (#26430) (#27378)
  * Fix orphan check for deleted branch (#27310) (#27320)
  * Quote table `release` in sql queries (#27205) (#27219)
  * Fix release URL in webhooks (#27182) (#27184)
  * Fix successful return value for `SyncAndGetUserSpecificDiff` (#27152) (#27156)
  * fix pagination for followers and following (#27127) (#27138)
  * Fix issue templates when blank isses are disabled (#27061) (#27082)
  * Fix context cache bug & enable context cache for dashabord commits' authors(#26991) (#27017)
  * Fix INI parsing for value with trailing slash (#26995) (#27001)
  * Fix PushEvent NullPointerException jenkinsci/github-plugin (#27203) (#27249)
  * Fix organization field being null in POST /orgs/{orgid}/teams (#27150) (#27167 & #27162)
  * Fix bug of review request number (#27406) (#27104)
  * services/wiki: Close() after error handling (#27129) (#27137)
  * Improve actions docs related to `pull_request` event (#27126) (#27145)
  * Add logs for data broken of comment review (#27326) (#27344)
  * Load reviewer before sending notification (#27063) (#27064)