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Jupyter notebooks und Python-Installation für EDV Anfängerkurs in der Meteorologie, Uni Bonn
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Collection of software tools for the scientific community to facilitate access to and processing of TOAR data
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neutrons / membranedyn
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCalculate membrane dynamics with Romanov
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INM-1 / BDA / software / analysis / atlas / atlas
Apache License 2.0Automatic Tissue Labeling System (ATLAS)
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INM-1 / BDA / personal / cschiffer / annotation_db / annotation_db
Apache License 2.0Database for annotations of cytoarchitectonic brain areas
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This is a submodule to Power-Grid-Data that contains all the power-grid frequency data.
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Jürgen Dammers / gDCNN
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
This package provides some helper functions for signal processing of PLI data in Deep Learning pipelines. The package is fully written in Python and compatible with PyTorch.
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INM-1 / BDA / personal / cschiffer / brain3d
Apache License 2.0Updated -
INM-1 / BDA / software / analysis / atlas / atlas3d
Apache License 2.0ATLaS extension that supports processing of geometric data (e.g., graphs)
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QIP / garden-optimization-problem
MIT LicenseJupyter notebook for generating instances of the garden optimization QUBO problem.
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Felder, Christian / nsxtool
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyNeutron single-diffraction peak integration - work in progress
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experiments / MICCAI 2021 experiments - 2D histology meets 3D topology
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Experiments for the 2021 MICCAI paper "2D histology meets 3D topology: Cytoarchitectonic brain mapping with Graph Neural Networks"