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Other labels 16

  • backlog
    items for our product backlog
  • bad
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
    not a bug, but something that has to be fixed
  • bug
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
    and actual bug in the software
  • CLI
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
    only concerns the CLI
  • docs
    Documentation for ibg1-docs
  • Documentation
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
    Issue that is concerned with the documentation
  • Doing
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
  • GUI
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
    concernes the Qt-GUI
  • Denotes a disruption or vulnerability requiring immediate attention
  • needs review
    Let's get it done!
  • superissue
    a long term superissue that has to be devided into several smaller issues
  • To Do
    IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
  • issues for tracking progress, with no clear endpoint