diff --git a/hugo/config.toml b/hugo/config.toml
index bbfbb85511816ad911751409a1237e6f135e9bbf..fbf273ab20761501e11f6c01f8fd69d538c00718 100644
--- a/hugo/config.toml
+++ b/hugo/config.toml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ PygmentsStyle = "vs"
   url_doc = "https://bornagainproject.org/ext/files/latest"
   url_userapi = "https://bornagainproject.org/ext/api/git-main/user-API"
   version_mm = "git-main"
-  version_mmp = "1.19.0"
+  version_mmp = "1.19.79"
   version_repo = "main"
   url_blob = "https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/bornagain/-/blob"
   manual_version = "1.7.2"
diff --git a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/build-and-install.md b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/build-and-install.md
index a642acc2eb4a871805c347023fc156ad7de7c60c..65bb4996c54d6cb1130e48b72d895eee44fb03dc 100644
--- a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/build-and-install.md
+++ b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/build-and-install.md
@@ -5,11 +5,21 @@ weight = 30
 ## Build and install BornAgain
-BornAgain comes with configuration files for the cross-platform build system [CMake](https://cmake.org/). Using CMake, it takes the following commands to build and install BornAgain:
+The following instructions must be executed for the three software projects
+- libheinz,
+- libformfactor,
+- BornAgain,
+in this order.
+Each source package comes with configuration files for the
+cross-platform build system [CMake](https://cmake.org/). Using CMake,
+it takes the following commands to build and install the software:
-$ mkdir <build_dir>
-$ cd <build_dir>
-$ cmake [<options>] <source_dir>
+$ cd <source_dir>
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
+$ cmake [<options>] ..
 $ make -j4
 $ ctest -j4
 $ sudo make install
@@ -20,36 +30,46 @@ These steps shall now be explained in more detail.
 #### Dedicated build directory
-$ mkdir <build_dir>
-$ cd <build_dir>
+$ mkdir build
+$ cd build
-The build process must take place in a dedicated directory <build_dir>. After the installation is complete, <build_dir> can be safely removed.
+The build process must take place in a dedicated directory,
+for which we suggest the canonical name `build`, and which
+should be a subdirectory of the software's source directory.
 #### CMake command for the build configuration
-$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_dir>
+$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> ..
-This command checks your system for the presence of the third party libraries necessary for compilation. In the case of a complex system setup, with libraries of different versions scattered across multiple places (/opt/local, /usr/local etc), you may want to help CMake in finding the correct library paths by running it with additional parameters:
+This command checks your system for the presence of the third party
+libraries necessary for compilation. In the case of a complex system
+setup, with libraries of different versions scattered across multiple
+places (/opt/local, /usr/local etc), you may want to help CMake in
+finding the correct library paths by running it with additional
-$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_dir>
+$ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> ..
 {{< alert theme="info" >}}
 **Note for MacOS users**
-MacOS users who have installed third party libraries using the MacPorts package manager have to use an additional key during the CMake configuration to specify the location of MacPort's libraries (e.g. `/opt/local`):
+MacOS users who have installed third party libraries using the
+MacPorts package manager have to use an additional key during the
+CMake configuration to specify the location of MacPort's libraries
+(e.g. `/opt/local`):
-cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_dir>
+cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> ..
 **For Homebrew users**
-cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_dir>
+cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> ..
 {{< /alert >}}
@@ -58,7 +78,7 @@ cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <sourc
 Use additional CMake key during configuration
-cmake -DBORNAGAIN_USE_PYTHON3=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_dir>
 {{< /alert >}}
@@ -68,7 +88,9 @@ cmake -DBORNAGAIN_USE_PYTHON3=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install_dir> <source_d
 $ make -j4
-This command starts the compilation process with a maximum of 4 parallel threads. Depending on your CPU, you can increase this parameter (`-j[N]`) to decrease the compilation time.
+This command starts the compilation process with a maximum of 4
+parallel threads. Depending on your CPU, you can increase this
+parameter (`-j[N]`) to decrease the compilation time.
 #### Testing the build
@@ -80,11 +102,19 @@ Total Test time (real) = 31.14 sec
 [100%] Build target check
-Running the functional tests is an optional but recommended step. The command `ctest` will compile several additional tests and run them one by one. The option `-j[N]` uses up to `N` threads to run these tests in parallel. Every test contains the simulation of a typical sample and compares the result with a reference file. Having `100% tests passed` ensures that your local installation is correct.
+Running the functional tests is an optional but recommended step. The
+command `ctest` will compile several additional tests and run them one
+by one. The option `-j[N]` uses up to `N` threads to run these tests
+in parallel. Every test contains the simulation of a typical sample
+and compares the result with a reference file. Having `100% tests
+passed` ensures that your local installation is correct.
 #### Installing the framework
 $ sudo make install
-The last command copies the compiled libraries and usage examples into the installation directory `<install_dir>`, which has been specified earlier on during the CMake configuration.
+The last command copies the compiled software into the installation
+directory `<install_dir>`, which has been specified earlier on during
+the CMake configuration.
diff --git a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/get-source.md b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/get-source.md
index c8e09d97457ebc926ee67efd9f004def5c5ea8eb..07d9dc2f5c7ef6f24fb40f3a7156a25551f25c0b 100644
--- a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/get-source.md
+++ b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/get-source.md
@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@ title = "Get the source"
 weight = 20
-## Get the source
+## Get the sources
-#### Source tarball
+Besides the sources of [BornAgain](https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/bornagain) you need
+those of our support libraries [libheinz](https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libheinz)
+and [libformfactor](https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libformfactor).
-Download the [BornAgain source tarball]({{< ref-tarball >}}) and unpack it:
-$ cd <some_directory>
-$ tar xfz {{< ref-tarball >}}
+If in doubt, install the tarballs of the latest published release.
-#### Github
+If you are ready to live on the edge, you may also clone our Git repository
+and work on the current "main" branch.
-You can also get access to the source code by cloning our public Git repository:
+#### Source tarballs
+The `tar` command allows downloading and unpacking in one go:
-$ cd <some_directory>
-$ git clone {{<url-repo>}}.git
+$ wget -qO- https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libheinz/-/archive/v0.1.3/libheinz-v0.1.3.tar.gz | tar zx
+$ wget -qO- https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libformfactor/-/archive/v0.1.3/libformfactor-v0.1.3.tar.gz | tar zx
+$ wget -qO- {{< ref-tarball >}} | tar zx
-#### Why Git?
-Our Git repository holds two main branches called `master` and `develop`. We consider the `master` branch to be the main branch where the source code of HEAD always reflects the latest stable release. Cloning the repository gives you the source code snapshot corresponding to the latest stable release. It also automatically sets up your local master branch to track our remote master branch, so you will be able to fetch changes from the remote branch at any time using the `git pull` command. Every update in the master branch corresponds to a new release.
+#### Github
-The second branch, the `develop` branch, is a snapshot of the current development stage. This is where any automatic nightly builds are built from. The develop branch is always expected to compile, but could still contain known bugs that have not been fixed yet. To get the most recent features one can switch the source tree to it with the following git commands:
+You can also get access to the source code by cloning our public Git repository:
-$ cd BornAgain
-$ git checkout develop
-$ git pull
+$ git clone https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libheinz.git
+$ git clone https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libformfactor.git
+$ git clone https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/bornagain.git
diff --git a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/third-party.md b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/third-party.md
index b9bb83222969c07ba66d9ab3a221f44a0d5c8377..d97866052382200d24f10faac1ff3f59d6983d46 100644
--- a/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/third-party.md
+++ b/hugo/content/installation/building/unix/third-party.md
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ Required software:
 * `fftw3 >= 3.3.1`
 * `libtiff >=4.0.2`
 * `libcerf >=1.14` (complex error function, maintained by us)
-* [`libheinz >=0.0`](https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libheinz) (header-only, some basic stuff shared across Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum)
-* [`libformfactor >=0.0`](https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/libformfactor) (polyhedral form factor computation, maintained by us)
 * `python3, python3-devel, python3-numpy, python3-matplotlib`
 * `boost >= 1.65`
 * `Qt5 >=5.5.1` (required modules are listed below)
@@ -26,7 +24,13 @@ Recommended software:
 * `perl` (for generating a man page)
-All these can be easily installed on most Linux distributions using the system's package manager (except libheinz and libformfactor, which must be installed from source). Below are a few examples for several selected operating systems. Please note, that other distributions (Fedora, Mint, etc) may have different commands for invoking the package manager and slightly different names of packages (like `boost` instead of `libboost` etc). Besides that, the installation should be very similar.
+All these can be easily installed on most Linux distributions using
+the system's package manager. Below are a few examples for several
+selected operating systems. Please note, that other distributions
+(Fedora, Mint, etc) may have different commands for invoking the
+package manager and slightly different names of packages (like `boost`
+instead of `libboost` etc). Besides that, the installation should be
+very similar.
 ### Ubuntu
 Install required packages:
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/partials/breadcrumb2.html b/hugo/layouts/partials/breadcrumb2.html
index 110060318f72afa838526fc6ba819861d9f726b0..4acfa4b648b10e9d4e2ee9e5bd7a19da01c5dbdd 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/partials/breadcrumb2.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/partials/breadcrumb2.html
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 {{define "breadcrumb"}}
 {{ if .page.Parent}}
-  {{$value := (printf "<a href='%s'>%s</a> &sc; %s" .page.Parent.URL .page.Parent.Title .value)}}
+  {{$value := (printf "<a href='%s'>%s</a> &sc; %s" .page.Parent.Permalink .page.Parent.Title .value)}}
   {{- template "breadcrumb" dict "page" .page.Parent "value" $value }}
   <a href="https://bornagainproject.org">
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/partials/next-prev-page.html b/hugo/layouts/partials/next-prev-page.html
index d79c8636f1832e191aae6ea30a581036f6557d0a..c652406614725949073881a9456869884e4561c6 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/partials/next-prev-page.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/partials/next-prev-page.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 {{- define "menu-nextprev" -}}
     {{- $currentNode := .currentnode -}}
     {{- if ne .menu.Params.hidden true -}}
-        {{- if hasPrefix $currentNode.URL .menu.URL -}}
+        {{- if hasPrefix $currentNode.Permalink .menu.Permalink -}}
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             {{- $currentNode.Scratch.Set "prevPage" ($currentNode.Scratch.Get "prevPageTmp") -}}
         {{- else -}}
@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@
     {{- end -}}
 {{- end -}}
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     <li class="page-item ">
-      <a href="{{.URL}}" class="page-link"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left fa-1g "></i>
+      <a href="{{.Permalink}}" class="page-link"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left fa-1g "></i>
-    </li>  
+    </li>
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     <li class="page-item ">
-      <a href="{{.URL}}" class="page-link"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-1g "></i>
+      <a href="{{.Permalink}}" class="page-link"><i class="fa fa-chevron-right fa-1g "></i>
-    </li>  
+    </li>
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index 49ac20ed72398e22330d92954b7022276a380dd6..ec1ce870ba755e8579e01fe1e81e7299daa1ca9c 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/partials/pagination.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/partials/pagination.html
@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
   <ul class="pagination">
     {{ if $paginator.HasPrev }}
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-        <a href="{{ $paginator.Prev.URL }}" class="page-link">Previous</a>
+        <a href="{{ $paginator.Prev.Permalink }}" class="page-link">Previous</a>
       <li class="page-item disabled">
         <a href="#" class="page-link">Previous</a>
-      </li>  
+      </li>
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-        <a href="{{ .URL }}" class="page-link">
+        <a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="page-link">
           {{ .PageNumber }}
@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
     {{ if $paginator.HasNext }}
       <li class="page-item">
-        <a href="{{ $paginator.Next.URL }}" class="page-link">Next</a>
+        <a href="{{ $paginator.Next.Permalink }}" class="page-link">Next</a>
     {{ else}}
       <li class="page-item disabled">
         <a href="#" class="page-link">Next</a>
-      </li>  
-    {{ end }}   
+      </li>
+    {{ end }}
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/partials/sidebar.html b/hugo/layouts/partials/sidebar.html
index f2a67e225a2299c8a5ed369f3f911b118f2aaad6..42bff885a385bf23b1c3ba3b752606544a1afbf1 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/partials/sidebar.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/partials/sidebar.html
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   {{- if .IsSection }}
     <li class="dd-item
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-        {{- if eq .URL $currentNode.URL}} active{{end}}">
+        {{- if eq .Permalink $currentNode.Permalink}} active{{end}}">
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       {{- if ne $numberOfPages 0 }}
         {{- if .IsAncestor $currentNode }}
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
       {{- end}}
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-    <li class="dd-item {{- if eq .URL $currentNode.URL}} active{{end -}}">
+    <li class="dd-item {{- if eq .Permalink $currentNode.Permalink}} active{{end -}}">
       <i class="fa liSingle li-item-icon"></i>
       <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}"><span>{{.Title}}</span> </a>
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/children.html b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/children.html
index 15d94fc82c79f06a88079551d67a30cba098bd4a..296839c4c6eb97e57708bb4f676b1c7c6af32df2 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/children.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/children.html
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 		{{- $numn := add $num $.count }}
 		{{- (printf "<h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML}}
-		<a href="{{.URL}}">{{ .Title }}</a>
+		<a href="{{.Permalink}}">{{ .Title }}</a>
 		{{- (printf "</h%d>" $numn)|safeHTML}}
 	{{- else}}
 		{{- (printf "<%s>" $.style)|safeHTML}}
-		<a href="{{.URL}}">{{ .Title }}</a>
+		<a href="{{.Permalink}}">{{ .Title }}</a>
 		{{- (printf "</%s>" $.style)|safeHTML}}
 	{{- end}}
@@ -97,4 +97,4 @@
 {{- end }}
 {{- end }}
-{{- end }}
\ No newline at end of file
+{{- end }}
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/ref-py.html b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/ref-py.html
index 0cf6aae65aaad7d9db0f7875062e4d19d168868a..0de4b0f60f5e42e8544d803b64bc5935418ca870 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/ref-py.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/ref-py.html
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Provide reference link to Python example located in content/py
 {{- if in $ref "/_index.md" -}}
 	{{- $path := (trim $ref "_index.md") -}}
 	{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (trim $path "/") -}}
-		{{- .URL -}}
+		{{- .Permalink -}}
 	{{- end -}}
 {{- else -}}
 	{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" $ref }}
-		{{- .URL -}}
+		{{- .Permalink -}}
 	{{- else -}}
 		{{- $ref | relref .Page -}}
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index 5cb8116290d01eb4d37cfce832aa1f6b6c1e8a30..9182c7674e5d80c5a6b8cc987a66849548aaee3b 100644
--- a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/relref.html
+++ b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/relref.html
@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
-{{- if in (.Get 0) "/_index.md" -}}
-	{{- $path := (trim (.Get 0) "_index.md") -}}
-	{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (trim $path "/") -}}
-		{{- .URL -}}
-	{{- end -}}
+{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (.Get 0) }}
+	{{- .Permalink -}}
 {{- else -}}
-	{{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (.Get 0) }}
-		{{- .URL -}}
-	{{- else -}}
-		{{- .Get 0 | relref .Page -}}
-	{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
\ No newline at end of file
+	{{- .Get 0 | relref .Page -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/url-repo.html b/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/url-repo.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 697a876d2c37b50086fa43b46af08ee0cce4fc59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/hugo/layouts/shortcodes/url-repo.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/mlz/bornagain{{- print "" -}}