diff --git a/Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_compounds.py b/Tests/Py/Functional/known_slicing.py
similarity index 63%
rename from Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_compounds.py
rename to Tests/Py/Functional/known_slicing.py
index e0889771cf0049609a7728312974e35396e8d602..9f3f435fa4e0be8d889c068dd92fa5b1f5337dd2 100644
--- a/Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_compounds.py
+++ b/Tests/Py/Functional/known_slicing.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-Check slicing mechanism for compound particles crossing an interface.
+Check slicing mechanism for spherical particles crossing an interface,
+using known decomposition of particles (as opposed to automatic slicing, tested elsewhere)
 import unittest
@@ -7,11 +8,102 @@ import PyFuTestInfrastructure as infrastruct
 import bornagain as ba
 from bornagain import deg, R3
-matSubstrate = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Substrate", 3e-6, 3e-8)
+matSubstrate = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Substrate", 3.2e-6, 3.2e-8)
 matVacuum = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Vacuum", 0, 0)
-matParticle = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Ag", 1e-5, 5e-7)
+matParticle = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Ag", 1.2e-5, 5.4e-7)
 R = 10.0
-dz = 4.0
+dz = 4.0  # shift beneath interface
+class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
+    def get_sample(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
+        """
+        Returns a sample, with given particles attached to substrate or vacuum layer.
+        """
+        vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(matVacuum)
+        if particle_to_air:
+            layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
+            layout.addParticle(particle_to_air)
+            vacuum_layer.addLayout(layout)
+        substrate = ba.Layer(matSubstrate)
+        if particle_to_substrate:
+            layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
+            layout.addParticle(particle_to_substrate)
+            substrate.addLayout(layout)
+        sample = ba.MultiLayer()
+        sample.addLayer(vacuum_layer)
+        sample.addLayer(substrate)
+        return sample
+    def get_result(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
+        sample = self.get_sample(particle_to_air, particle_to_substrate)
+        simulation = infrastruct.get_simulation_MiniGISAS(sample)
+        return simulation.simulate()
+    def testSphericalCupOnTopOfSubstrate(self):
+        """
+        Simulation #1: truncated sphere on top of substrate.
+        Simulation #2: sphere crossing the interface.
+        Both particles are made of same material as substrate.
+        Same scattering expected from both sample models.
+        """
+        # truncated sphere (dz removed from bottom) on top of substrate
+        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(matSubstrate,
+                                      ba.TruncatedSphere(R, R * 2 - dz, 0))
+        reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
+        # same without truncation, sphere penetrating into substrate layer
+        sphere = ba.Particle(matSubstrate, ba.Sphere(R))
+        sphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
+        data = self.get_result(sphere)
+        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
+        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
+    def testSphericalLacuneInSubstrate(self):
+        """
+        Similar to previous. Truncated sphere and sphere are made of vacuum material.
+        From scattering point of view, both cases should look like an vacuum lacune in substrate.
+        """
+        # Sphere truncated from top. Intended to go below interface.
+        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(matVacuum,
+                                      ba.TruncatedSphere(R, R * 2, R * 2 - dz))
+        truncatedSphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
+        reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
+        # sphere crossing interface to look like truncated sphere above
+        sphere = ba.Particle(matVacuum, ba.Sphere(R))
+        sphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
+        data = self.get_result(sphere)
+        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
+        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
+    def testSpheresCrossingInterface(self):
+        """
+        Same particle in same position, but attached to two different layers.
+        Of course, results shall be identical.
+        """
+        # Sphere intended for vacuum layer and crossing interface
+        sphere1 = ba.Particle(matParticle, ba.Sphere(R))
+        sphere1.translate(0, 0, -dz)
+        reference = self.get_result(particle_to_air=sphere1)
+        # Sphere intended for substrate layer and crossing interface
+        sphere2 = ba.Particle(matParticle, ba.Sphere(R))
+        sphere2.translate(0, 0, -dz)
+        data = self.get_result(particle_to_substrate=sphere2)
+        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
+        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
 class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_spheres.py b/Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_spheres.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aa76bda30d26a6e09cf1dafe4e608f75d1e75d01..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Tests/Py/Functional/sliced_spheres.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Check slicing mechanism for spherical particles crossing an interface.
-import unittest
-import PyFuTestInfrastructure as infrastruct
-import bornagain as ba
-matSubstrate = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Substrate", 3.2e-6, 3.2e-8)
-matVacuum = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Vacuum", 0, 0)
-matParticle = ba.RefractiveMaterial("Ag", 1.2e-5, 5.4e-7)
-R = 10.0
-dz = 4.0  # shift beneath interface
-class SlicedSpheresTest(unittest.TestCase):
-    def get_sample(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
-        """
-        Returns a sample, with given particles attached to substrate or vacuum layer.
-        """
-        vacuum_layer = ba.Layer(matVacuum)
-        if particle_to_air:
-            layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-            layout.addParticle(particle_to_air)
-            vacuum_layer.addLayout(layout)
-        substrate = ba.Layer(matSubstrate)
-        if particle_to_substrate:
-            layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
-            layout.addParticle(particle_to_substrate)
-            substrate.addLayout(layout)
-        sample = ba.MultiLayer()
-        sample.addLayer(vacuum_layer)
-        sample.addLayer(substrate)
-        return sample
-    def get_result(self, particle_to_air=None, particle_to_substrate=None):
-        sample = self.get_sample(particle_to_air, particle_to_substrate)
-        simulation = infrastruct.get_simulation_MiniGISAS(sample)
-        return simulation.simulate()
-    def testSphericalCupOnTopOfSubstrate(self):
-        """
-        Simulation #1: truncated sphere on top of substrate.
-        Simulation #2: sphere crossing the interface.
-        Both particles are made of same material as substrate.
-        Same scattering expected from both sample models.
-        """
-        # truncated sphere (dz removed from bottom) on top of substrate
-        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(matSubstrate,
-                                      ba.TruncatedSphere(R, R * 2 - dz, 0))
-        reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
-        # same without truncation, sphere penetrating into substrate layer
-        sphere = ba.Particle(matSubstrate, ba.Sphere(R))
-        sphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
-        data = self.get_result(sphere)
-        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
-        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
-    def testSphericalLacuneInSubstrate(self):
-        """
-        Similar to previous. Truncated sphere and sphere are made of vacuum material.
-        From scattering point of view, both cases should look like an vacuum lacune in substrate.
-        """
-        # Sphere truncated from top. Intended to go below interface.
-        truncatedSphere = ba.Particle(matVacuum,
-                                      ba.TruncatedSphere(R, R * 2, R * 2 - dz))
-        truncatedSphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
-        reference = self.get_result(truncatedSphere)
-        # sphere crossing interface to look like truncated sphere above
-        sphere = ba.Particle(matVacuum, ba.Sphere(R))
-        sphere.translate(0, 0, -dz)
-        data = self.get_result(sphere)
-        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
-        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
-    def testSpheresCrossingInterface(self):
-        """
-        Same particle in same position, but attached to two different layers.
-        Of course, results shall be identical.
-        """
-        # Sphere intended for vacuum layer and crossing interface
-        sphere1 = ba.Particle(matParticle, ba.Sphere(R))
-        sphere1.translate(0, 0, -dz)
-        reference = self.get_result(particle_to_air=sphere1)
-        # Sphere intended for substrate layer and crossing interface
-        sphere2 = ba.Particle(matParticle, ba.Sphere(R))
-        sphere2.translate(0, 0, -dz)
-        data = self.get_result(particle_to_substrate=sphere2)
-        diff = ba.meanRelativeDifference(data, reference)
-        self.assertLess(diff, 1e-15)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()