diff --git a/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.pdf b/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a4df7ca028e80fadb961fb78a4c31615bd37342 Binary files /dev/null and b/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.pdf differ diff --git a/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.ps b/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.ps index 2341dbd4b4c0f8f76eb2860c5d322d0ed6dbb61f..6f9fe9b8ee548e67ee29e95ecbfcf718b65f4288 100644 --- a/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.ps +++ b/Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.ps @@ -1,10 +1,13 @@ %!PS-Adobe-1.0 EPSF-1.0 +%%BoundingBox: 2 362 593 839 +%%Comment: Bounding box extracted by bboxx +%%+: A program by Dov Grobgeld 2003 newpath -16 35 moveto -587 35 lineto -587 515 lineto -16 515 lineto +2 362 moveto +593 362 lineto +593 839 lineto +2 839 lineto closepath 1 1 1 setrgbcolor % Set color to white fill % Fill the path with white color @@ -1612,9 +1615,9 @@ WuGdict11a begin %% Position and scale: -11.8 dup autolabel defsiz +11.87 dup autolabel defsiz 1 dup stdred -3. -12 setnewpage newpage +3. -2.5 setnewpage newpage 1 1 language 1 1 InfSet % plot fnam, info diff --git a/hugo/content/ref/instr/det/2d.md b/hugo/content/ref/instr/det/2d.md index 3a9da89ee089a6a75e8151ef2ee05e71ebbcdea7..71c2974da648da635b37287448d299f6ae076bc6 100644 --- a/hugo/content/ref/instr/det/2d.md +++ b/hugo/content/ref/instr/det/2d.md @@ -9,22 +9,20 @@ For SAS and GISAS simulations, the two-dimensional area detector is modelled by the {{% ref-class "Device/Detector" "Detector2D" %}} class. +### Geometry + A `Detector2D` is a flat rectangular detector. All pixels have equal size. -The constructor has the signature -``` -detector = ba.Detector2D(nphi, phimin, phimax, nalpha, alphamin, alphamax) -``` -where `nphi` and `nalpha` are numbers of bins; -their product is the number of pixels of the detector. -The other arguments designate the lowest and highest nominal signed scattering angle -on the $\varphi_\text{f}$ and $\alpha_\text{f}$ axes. +{{< figscg src="/img/draw/detector1.svg" width="100%" >}} + +In BornAgain, detector images are shown as seen from the back of the detector. +In this way we ensure that the $\varphi$ or $q_y$ axis has the same +orientation as the real-space $y$ axis. For plotting and data import and export, -BornAgain pretends that -$\varphi_\text{f}$ and $\alpha_\text{f}$ increase linearly -along the detector axes, +BornAgain pretends that the detector bins correspond to +bins of constant width in $\varphi$ or $q_y$ and $\alpha$ or $q_z$, even though this is only true in first approximation. For the actual scattering computation, BornAgain uses true scattering angles, @@ -38,6 +36,20 @@ to the reflected or transmitted beam. Corrections for these and other distortions will be implemented when requested by users. +### Constructor + +The constructor has the signature +``` +detector = ba.Detector2D(nphi, phimin, phimax, nalpha, alphamin, alphamax) +``` +where `nphi` and `nalpha` are numbers of bins; +their product is the number of pixels of the detector. + +The arguments `phimin`, `phimax` designate the lowest and highest signed deflection $\varphi$ +at $\alpha=0$. +The arguments `alphamin`, `alphamax` designate the lowest and highest signed grazing angle $\alpha$ +at $\varphi=0$. + ### Masks When fitting theoretical models to measured diffraction images, diff --git a/hugo/static/img/draw/_README.md b/hugo/static/img/draw/_README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcbbb991209f45eece502202d791ddda45132625 --- /dev/null +++ b/hugo/static/img/draw/_README.md @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# Provenance + +detector1.svg + Doc/PhysRef/fig/drawing/detector1.ps -> eps2pdf (from tps) -> pdf2svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/hugo/static/img/draw/detector1.svg b/hugo/static/img/draw/detector1.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..242c590ab170a7202d84d5e93680de0da8fcf942 --- /dev/null +++ b/hugo/static/img/draw/detector1.svg @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="591" height="477" viewBox="0 0 591 477"> +<defs> +<g> +<g id="glyph-0-0"> +<path d="M 4.765625 -4.421875 L 7.65625 -8.5625 L 6.109375 -8.5625 L 4.046875 -5.453125 L 2 -8.5625 L 0.4375 -8.5625 L 3.296875 -4.359375 L 0.28125 0 L 1.828125 0 L 4 -3.28125 L 6.140625 0 L 7.734375 0 Z M 4.765625 -4.421875 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-0-1"> +<path d="M 6.34375 -8.5625 L 3.96875 -1.890625 L 1.78125 -8.5625 L 0.328125 -8.5625 L 3.21875 0.03125 L 2.703125 1.390625 C 2.46875 2 2.171875 2.21875 1.609375 2.21875 C 1.375 2.21875 1.171875 2.1875 0.875 2.125 L 0.875 3.34375 C 1.15625 3.5 1.4375 3.5625 1.796875 3.5625 C 2.234375 3.5625 2.71875 3.421875 3.078125 3.15625 C 3.5 2.84375 3.75 2.484375 4 1.796875 L 7.8125 -8.5625 Z M 6.34375 -8.5625 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-0-2"> +<path d="M 7.234375 -8.5625 L 0.84375 -8.5625 L 0.84375 -7.375 L 5.625 -7.375 L 0.5 -1.21875 L 0.5 0 L 7.46875 0 L 7.46875 -1.1875 L 2.15625 -1.1875 L 7.234375 -7.359375 Z M 7.234375 -8.5625 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-0-3"> +<path d="M 1.421875 -1.703125 L 1.421875 0 L 2.40625 0 L 2.40625 0.296875 C 2.40625 1.421875 2.1875 1.75 1.421875 1.78125 L 1.421875 2.40625 C 2.5 2.4375 3.140625 1.65625 3.140625 0.265625 L 3.140625 -1.703125 Z M 1.421875 -1.703125 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-0-4"> +</g> +<g id="glyph-0-5"> +<path d="M 8.09375 3.5625 L 8.09375 -8.5625 L 6.875 -8.5625 L 6.875 -7.421875 C 6.25 -8.3125 5.28125 -8.8125 4.15625 -8.8125 C 1.890625 -8.8125 0.421875 -6.96875 0.421875 -4.125 C 0.421875 -1.34375 1.8125 0.375 4.09375 0.375 C 5.28125 0.375 6.09375 -0.046875 6.734375 -0.984375 L 6.734375 3.5625 Z M 4.34375 -7.53125 C 5.796875 -7.53125 6.734375 -6.25 6.734375 -4.171875 C 6.734375 -2.203125 5.78125 -0.90625 4.34375 -0.90625 C 2.84375 -0.90625 1.84375 -2.21875 1.84375 -4.21875 C 1.84375 -6.203125 2.84375 -7.53125 4.34375 -7.53125 Z M 4.34375 -7.53125 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-1-0"> +<path d="M 4.0625 -8.296875 C 3.3125 -8.25 2.8125 -8.09375 2.203125 -7.6875 C 1.140625 -6.953125 0.59375 -5.828125 0.59375 -4.40625 C 0.59375 -2.015625 2.296875 -0.125 4.609375 -0.015625 L 4.609375 3.625 L 5.703125 3.625 L 5.703125 -0.015625 C 7.828125 -0.0625 9.59375 -2.03125 9.59375 -4.375 C 9.59375 -6.5 8.15625 -8.390625 6.5 -8.390625 C 5.265625 -8.390625 4.46875 -7.359375 4.46875 -5.78125 C 4.46875 -5.734375 4.46875 -5.671875 4.484375 -5.1875 L 4.609375 -0.71875 C 3.1875 -0.921875 2.390625 -2.34375 2.390625 -4.625 C 2.390625 -6.40625 2.9375 -7.484375 4.0625 -7.921875 Z M 5.515625 -4.984375 C 5.4375 -6.359375 5.75 -7.125 6.375 -7.125 C 7.25 -7.125 8.15625 -5.46875 8.15625 -3.84375 C 8.15625 -2.0625 7.171875 -0.796875 5.703125 -0.6875 Z M 5.515625 -4.984375 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-1-1"> +<path d="M 8.109375 -8.171875 L 7.109375 -5.359375 C 6.6875 -7.34375 5.6875 -8.390625 4.203125 -8.390625 C 3.453125 -8.390625 2.640625 -8.078125 2.046875 -7.546875 C 1.109375 -6.765625 0.671875 -5.609375 0.671875 -3.984375 C 0.671875 -1.375 1.96875 0.21875 4.09375 0.21875 C 5.53125 0.21875 6.59375 -0.515625 7.25 -1.984375 C 7.34375 -1.671875 7.453125 -1.375 7.625 -0.96875 C 8.0625 -0.046875 8.328125 0.21875 8.859375 0.21875 C 9.390625 0.21875 9.78125 -0.125 9.984375 -0.8125 C 10.09375 -1.1875 10.15625 -1.546875 10.171875 -2.46875 L 9.734375 -2.46875 C 9.703125 -1.640625 9.390625 -1.03125 8.984375 -1.03125 C 8.453125 -1.03125 7.90625 -1.890625 7.71875 -3.03125 L 9.5625 -8.171875 Z M 6.640625 -3.9375 L 6.265625 -2.875 C 5.6875 -1.203125 5.03125 -0.40625 4.21875 -0.40625 C 3.0625 -0.40625 2.390625 -1.75 2.390625 -4.0625 C 2.390625 -5.28125 2.609375 -6.265625 3.046875 -6.984375 C 3.328125 -7.453125 3.703125 -7.6875 4.21875 -7.6875 C 5.375 -7.6875 6.125 -6.75 6.453125 -4.890625 Z M 6.640625 -3.9375 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-2-0"> +<path d="M 4.5 -6.078125 L 2.8125 -1.34375 L 1.265625 -6.078125 L 0.234375 -6.078125 L 2.28125 0.015625 L 1.90625 0.984375 C 1.75 1.421875 1.546875 1.578125 1.140625 1.578125 C 0.96875 1.578125 0.828125 1.546875 0.625 1.5 L 0.625 2.375 C 0.828125 2.484375 1.015625 2.53125 1.28125 2.53125 C 1.59375 2.53125 1.921875 2.421875 2.171875 2.234375 C 2.484375 2.015625 2.65625 1.765625 2.84375 1.28125 L 5.546875 -6.078125 Z M 4.5 -6.078125 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-2-1"> +<path d="M 5.140625 -6.078125 L 0.609375 -6.078125 L 0.609375 -5.234375 L 3.984375 -5.234375 L 0.359375 -0.875 L 0.359375 0 L 5.296875 0 L 5.296875 -0.84375 L 1.53125 -0.84375 L 5.140625 -5.21875 Z M 5.140625 -6.078125 "/> +</g> +<g id="glyph-2-2"> +<path d="M 2.984375 -6.078125 L 1.984375 -6.078125 L 1.984375 -7.03125 C 1.984375 -7.4375 2.203125 -7.640625 2.65625 -7.640625 C 2.734375 -7.640625 2.765625 -7.640625 2.984375 -7.625 L 2.984375 -8.421875 C 2.765625 -8.46875 2.640625 -8.484375 2.453125 -8.484375 C 1.546875 -8.484375 1.015625 -7.96875 1.015625 -7.109375 L 1.015625 -6.078125 L 0.203125 -6.078125 L 0.203125 -5.28125 L 1.015625 -5.28125 L 1.015625 0 L 1.984375 0 L 1.984375 -5.28125 L 2.984375 -5.28125 Z M 2.984375 -6.078125 "/> +</g> +</g> +</defs> +<rect x="-59.1" y="-47.7" width="709.2" height="572.4" fill="rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)" fill-opacity="1"/> +<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(98.039246%, 81.568909%, 50.98114%)" fill-opacity="1" stroke-width="7.78034" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke="rgb(63.137817%, 41.960144%, 3.137207%)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-miterlimit="10" d="M 19.804688 3929.140625 L 1355.664062 4093.164062 L 2355.859375 3192.578125 L 1020 3028.554688 Z M 19.804688 3929.140625 " transform="matrix(0.1, 0, 0, -0.1, 0, 477)"/> +<path fill-rule="nonzero" fill="rgb(78.823853%, 63.529968%, 34.901428%)" fill-opacity="1" 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