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IBG-1 / ModSim / MooViE
MIT LicenseVisualization tool for exploring multi variate data with an input - output semantic
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GPU solver for quadratic/polynomial/higher-order unconstrained binary optimization problems
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Yuankai Yang / MPLBM-UT
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterLibrary for performing multiphase simulations (based on the Shan-Chen model) in complicated geometries (i.e. porous media 3D images)
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Source code and data corresponding to the publication 'Reliability and subject specificity of personalized whole-brain dynamical models'
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Source code corresponding to the manuscript "Parcellation-induced variation of empirical and simulated brain connectomes at group and subject levels"
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Mohamed Ayssar Benelhedi / nest-simulator
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterThe NEST simulator
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g_elpot: a tool for quantifying biomolecular electrostatics from molecular dynamics trajectories
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Mozilla Public License 2.0Jülich Quantum Master Equation Simulator (GPU-accelerated version)
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Tool for generating random exact-cover problems. It prints out the exact-cover matrix and the unique ground state.
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m.dederichs / vision
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDatasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
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mlz / OpenHKL
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySingle crystal diffraction data reduction - work in progress. Formerly NSXTool.
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Multiple-scattering simulation for quasielastic neutron spectrometers. This work is currently stalled. If you are interested to give it a try, then please contact me so that I can give you some hints.
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